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来源:兰州新东方 作者:大愚书店 日期:2009-02-09
【作  者】 【译】张洪伟,郝春梅
【出 版 社】 世界图书出版公司
【ISBN】 ISBN 7-5062-8445-6
【开本】 16
【印张】 14.5
【页码】 232
【成书尺寸】 185×260
【重量(g)】 425
【浏览次数】 11542 次
【产品类别】 TOEFL
 书友会编号: 60803
 定      价: 38 元  
其它购书方式: 新东方书友会邮购


※ 所收文章题材广泛,涵盖新托福阅读的选材范围,可有效帮助考生拓宽知识面
※ 每单元针对一种阅读技能,强化训练,解析技巧,全面提高解题速度与阅读水平
※ 精心设计测试题目,题材与题型分类结合,完全覆盖新托福阅读考点
※ 书后附习题参考答案、听力原文和单元测试
※ 配MP3光盘,包含所有文章录音和听力练习


评分等级: 标题:回复
评价者:新东方编辑 2008年10月6日



评分等级: 标题:哪一本更合适
评价者:doris72 2008年5月17日
评分等级: 标题:你的生命是不是在奋斗。
评价者:陶中雄 2006年10月15日
海浪一次次的离开,就是为了一次次的离开。  我相信对自己的智力充满的是形生的。
评分等级: 标题:哈佛大学和清华大学
评价者:陶中雄 2006年10月15日
评分等级: 标题:哈佛大学和清华大学
评价者:陶中雄 2006年10月15日


Unit 1  
It’s the 21st Century… Where’s My Robot?  1
Once we thought that, in the twenty-first century, robots would wash our dishes and clean our houses. Learn why that hasn’t happened yet. Reading Skill: Identifying Main Ideas

Unit 2  J.K. Rowling: A Magical Author  13
Meet author J. K. Rowling. Her famous creation, Harry Potter, has magic in his life. And so does the author. Reading Skill: Understanding Verbs in Readings

Unit 3  The World Cup Trophy  25
The history of the World Cup trophy is almost as colorful as that of the World Cup tournament itself. Reading Skill: Understanding Pronoun Reference

Unit 4   The Pizza Story  38
In the United States, they like it with pepperoni, in Russia, with smoked fish, and in Pakistan, with curry. It’s pizza, one of the world’s favorite foods. Reading Skill: Skimming 1

Unit 5   Australia’s Living Teddy Bears 50
Everybody loves koala bears. Discover how these charming animals live and the dangers they face. Reading Skill: Distinguishing Main Ideas and Details

Unit 6  The Power of the Wind     61
The wind is one of the oldest sources of energy . . . and one of the most modern. It is a clean source of power, and its use is growing. Reading Skill: Finding the Right Meaning of Words

Unit 7  Yao Ming  73
Suddenly, China is very much interested in U.S. basketball. The reason? A tall, talented, and modest young man from Shanghai named Yao Ming. Reading Skill: Scanning 1

Unit 8  Esperanto as a Second Language  84
It was the dream of Doctor L.L. Zamenhof that everyone everywhere speak the same second language. Therefore, he invented Esperanto, the easiest language in the world to learn. Reading Skill: Skimming 2

Unit 9  Mystery on Mount Everest  95
In 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay climbed the highest mountain. But were they really the first to reach the top? Reading Skill: Understanding Word Families

Unit 10  Danger: Asteroids Ahead?  109
In 2002, an asteroid flew close to Earth. What if one hits our planet? Find out about asteroids and what we can do about them. Reading Skill: Understanding Phrasal Verbs

Unit 11  Machu Picchu, City in the Clouds 122
Learn about the mysterious city of Machu Picchu, the Incan city that was hidden high in the mountains of Peru for 450 years. Reading Skill: Scanning 2

Unit 12   Bird Watching in Taiwan  132
People are wild about bird watching in Taiwan—and Taiwan is one of the best places on the globe to see rare and beautiful birds. Reading Skill: Understanding Vocabulary from Context

Unit 13   The Last Flight of the Concorde 143
Fast, elegant, and very expensive . . . for many years the Concordes were the only supersonic passenger planes. Now they are found only in museums. Reading Skill: Know the Meaning of Prefixes

Unit 14   The Legend of Nessie  155 Deep in a lake in Scotland, there is a strange creature called Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster . . . or is there?

Reading Skill: Making Inferences Vocabulary Index  167

Reading Skills Chart  171

Answer Keys, Audio Scripts, and Puzzle
Solutions: Units 1-14  174
Quizzes: Units 1-14  187
Answer Key: Quizzes  219
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